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Encouraged Publications

REBESCOLAR will encourage the effective exchange of experiences between teachers in order to favor the construction of meanings relevant to the curricular component and the school routine. Therefore, papers will be accepted within the following categories or forms:

Scientific articles

Works that report results of research work developed within the Basic National Education and with the effective presence of the Physical Education curricular component.


Critical and reflective positions on school life.

Experience Report

Document that reports successful experience of teachers who work in national basic education.

Intervention Projects

Works that present intervention proposals in which the Physical Education curricular component is present. There is an additional interest in receiving multidisciplinary intervention projects.

Brazilian Journal of School Physical Education


  Please let me know if you have any further questions.

©Copyright™ 2014 por REBESCOLAR®



Tel. +55 (11) 98508-7766

ISSN: 2446-9467 QUALIS LEVEL B5 (2015) in Physical Education and Education

ISSN: 2446-9467 QUALIS LEVEL B5 (2015) in Physical Education and Education

Our partners


São Paulo - SP / Brazil

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